Alex Jones Conspiracy Theorist Has Soared On Musk’s X Platform

Elon Musk says that his social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, is a better source of information than the traditional news media. “I don’t read the legacy media anymore,” boasts Musk, who asserts that X has become “the collective consciousness of humanity.”

Apparently, Musk believes that Alex Jones, the far-right pundit and conspiracy theorist who is best known for repeatedly claiming that the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that killed 20 children and 6 adults was part of a government hoax, belongs in this collective consciousness.

Since Musk reactivated the X accounts of Alex Jones and his misinformation-addled website Infowars in December 2023 following a five-year ban, Jones has thrived on X, growing his audience while also becoming a major booster of Musk’s, according to an analysis by social media intelligence firm The Social Studies Group.

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